Classical Numismatic Group, LLC

P.O. Box 479
Zip code / Index:
PA 17608
United Kingdom
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Auctions Held:
Registration date:
Apr 23, 2018
Usual Buyer's Premium (Actual BP view in each auction):
22.5% Buyers Premium
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About company

CNG: Serving the World in Classical, Medieval & British Numismatics Since 1975

Since 1975, we at Classical Numismatic Group, LLC (CNG) have dedicated ourselves to serving the needs of our customers in the fields of ancient, medieval and British numismatics. We aim to help you build your collection at reasonable prices, to supply the books that enable you to increase your knowledge and understanding, and - when the time comes - to help you sell individual items or your entire collection. When you become a customer of our firm, we hope that it is for the long term. 

We are an international firm with offices in Lancaster, Pennsylvania and London, England. We opened the London office in 1991 in the name of Seaby Coins when we took over the coin operation of the venerable firm of B.A. Seaby, Ltd. Victor England manages the Lancaster office, and Eric McFadden manages the London office. In the US office, accounting, shipping, and general operations are handled by Cathy England, Karen Zander, Julia Motter, and Marlene Rice. In London, David Guest, and Julia Trocme-Latter assist with numismatics while Alexandra Spyra and Tina Jordan assist Eric in keeping our office running smoothly. Our professional staff of numismatists includes Brad Nelson, D. Scott VanHorn, Ken McDevitt, Jeff Rill, Bill Dalzell, David Guest, Dave Michaels and Kerry Wetterstom. Our technical professionals are Travis Markel and Jessica Garloff.

We hope you will find the time to enjoy our site. Be sure to bookmark sections of the site you like and return at your leisure. Classical numismatics is a field that sets us apart from the rush and pressures of day-to-day life, so we invite you to sit back and relax, and learn about our numismatic heritage.

CNG Publications

Classical Numismatic Group, LLC currently publishes three auction catalogs per year: one for our annual Triton public auction in New York (held in January in conjunction with the New York International Numismatic Convention) and one for each of our mail bid sales (May and September). Each of our fully illustrated auction catalogues offers about 1000 to 1500 lots. Typically 90-95% of the auction lots are sold, as the estimates reflect current market prices. We aim to produce informative catalogues, which are valuable research tools as well as opportunities to buy.

Our subscription rates are $150 per year for addresses in North America and $225/£150 for all other addresses. US$ checks must be written on a US bank. British £ checks must be written on a British bank. We also accept VISA and Mastercard.