Dr. Thomas MATHÀ

Leegtorweg 6A
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Registration date:
Apr 23, 2018
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About company
Year of Birth: 1972

Occupation: City manager

Languages: German, Italian, English

Nationality: Italian

Expert since: 1999

Member of AIEP since: 2005

Personal Reference Collections: Roman States postal history; Trieste 1945-1954; Austrian Levant; Sicily postal history

Personal Forgeries Collections: Roman States; Trieste

Current Areas of Specialisation: Roman States:  postal history 1815-1870; Julian Venetia:  postal history 1945-1947; Trieste, Zone A:  postal history 1947-1954

Type of Expert: Expert who does not issue certificates but who is active as regular or occasional consultant to philatelists, other experts, organisations or expert committees

Expertising for Dealers/Auctions: Yes

Estimates/Opinions on Value: Yes

Normal Turn-Around Time: 2 weeks

Major FIP Exhibition Awards: Roman States (LG)

Main Publications: Trieste and Julian Venetia 1945-1954 (1991)

Membership: Royal Philatelic Society, London; DASV; A.S.S.P.; I.S.S.P.; I.C.S.C.

Philatelic Judging: Judge at national level