Year of Birth: 1953
Occupation: Business Manager
Languages: English
Nationality: Indian
Expert since: 1995
Member of AIEP since: 2002
Personal Reference Collections: India: Airmails; Bhutan: Pre-stamp postal history; Bhutan
Personal Forgeries Collections: India: Airmails
Current Areas of Specialisation: India: Airmails; Bhutan: Pre-stamp postal history
Type of Expert: Expert dealer and/or auctioneer who issues certificates
The Expert Issues: Opinions and Certificates
Expertising for Dealers/Auctions: Yes
Normal Turn-Around Time: 15-20 days
Major FIP Exhibition Awards: Indian Airmails (LG)
Main Publications: Indian Airmails Development and Operation 1911-1942 (2003)
Membership: Philatelic Congress of India; American Philatelic Society
Offices Held: Member of FIP Commission for Aerophilately; Member of Philatelic Advisory Committee of India (1987-1995)
Recognition: Gatchell Literature Award (2002)
Holding of seminars, conferences, TV and radio programmes promoting philately
Pradip JAIN
P.O. Box 128
Mithapur, Patna
Zip code / Index:
800 001
+91 612 2225929, +91 612 2238010
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