Russian Civil War, Foreign Armies in Russia & Czechoslovak Legion - Auction #41

Dec 11, 10:19 AM PST
CST / Beijing Dec 12, 02:19 AM
CEST / Berlin Dec 11, 07:19 PM
CDT / Chicago Dec 11, 12:19 PM
MSK / Moscow Dec 11, 09:19 PM
MDT / Denver Dec 11, 11:19 AM
EDT / New York Dec 11, 01:19 PM
Ended on 11, 2024
Oldlouis Auctions

Russian Civil War, Foreign Armies in Russia & Czechoslovak Legion - Auction #41 by Oldlouis Auctionswas held inUnited States, City Huntersville. It started at 09:00 AM PST on 11, 2024. Main specializations of auction were Stamps. Auction currency was USD (US Dollar). The average starting price of auction lot was $21. "1921 Russia Civil War Wrangel Army Refugee Post in Turkey Constantinople Camp multifranked (incl. Sc. 238a, 241a INVERTED ovpts) registered cover to Belgrad Camp Serbia (Lot 630)" was the most expensive lot with $550 hammer price.

43 bidders participated

271 items were listed

115 items were sold

42% of sales efficiency

$550 Highest hammer prices

Top 10 Auction Sales
Lot 630
1921 Russia Civil War Wrangel Army Refugee Post in Turkey Constantinople Camp multifranked (incl. Sc. 238a, 241a INVERTED ovpts) registered cover to Belgrad Camp Serbia
Lot 625
1921 Russia Civil War Wrangel Army Refugee Post in Turkey Constantinople Camp declared value cover (fr. Sc.333 trident 6-block) with wax seals to Belgrad Camp Serbia
Lot 633
1921 Russia Civil War Wrangel Army Refugee Post in Turkey CHATALDJA Camp cover (fr. Sc.257 V-coupon) via Constantinople to KHALKI camp (Halki Princes' Islands)
Lot 610
1919 November Russia Civil War Siberia Railway TPO 260 MANCHURIA - CHITA censored uprated 3k PS stationery card "Slowed down by censorship" mark from Antipikha Station to Greifenberg (Pommern) redirected to Celle Germany
Lot 634
1921 Russia Civil War Wrangel Army Refugee Post in Turkey Constantinople Camp registered cover (fr. Sc.258 + 259 + 261 ovpt on V-coupons) to Belgrad Camp Serbia
Lot 632
1921 Russia Civil War Wrangel Army Refugee Post in Serbia BELGRAD Camp cover (fr. Sc.272 + 273 + 274) to Constantinople Camp Turkey
Lot 622
1921 Russia Civil War Wrangel Army Refugee Post in Serbia BELGRAD Camp registered advert cover (fr. Sc.335 trident) to Constantinople Camp Turkey
Lot 641
1921 Russia Civil War Wrangel Army Refugee Post in Turkey Constantinople Camp cover (fr. Sc.232 + 233 ovpt on margin) to Belgrad Camp Serbia
Lot 604
1924 Soviet Russia RSFSR Far Eastern Region (former FER) BLAGOVESHCHENSK registered cover fr. 1k./100r x 2 + 5k./10r x 2 to Kiev Ukraine
Lot 636
1921 Russia Civil War Wrangel Army Refugee Post in Turkey GALIPOLI (Gallipoli) Camp cover (fr. Sc.290 + 291 Levant) to Lemnos island Greece
Lots: 565-664 All prices in USD
Lots: 665-764 All prices in USD
Lots: 765-835 All prices in USD