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1949 125th Anniversary of the State Academy Maly Theater, Soviet Union, USSR, Russia (Full Set, MNH)
Lot 1218
The condition of the items is shown on the images and indicated in the description of the lot below_
RSFSR, Soviet Union, and Tannu Tuva Philatelic Rarities - Auction #32
Live Auction
15% Buyers Premium
items listed

32th Philatelic Auction from Oldlouis Auctions. A lot of unique specialized collections are presented. The rarest stamps and postal history items of Russia, Germany, United States, Ukraine, and The World. Also a large collection of Worldwide Cinderellas. Shipping from our United States office.

RSFSR and Soviet Union - Auction #42
36d 15h | Jan 27, 02:00 PM
Germany: WWII Occupations, Legions, Field Post, Propaganda - Auction #42
36d 15h | Jan 27, 02:00 PM
Germany: Colonies, Rare Revenues, Documents - Auction #42
36d 15h | Jan 27, 02:00 PM
Russian Offices Abroad - Auction #42
36d 15h | Jan 27, 02:00 PM
Germany: WWI Occupations, Postwar Occupation Zones, and Saar - Auction #42
36d 15h | Jan 27, 02:00 PM
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