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Mar 22, 02:45 PM PST
CST / Beijing Mar 23, 2023 05:45 AM
CEST / Berlin Mar 22, 2023 10:45 PM
CDT / Chicago Mar 22, 2023 04:45 PM
MSK / Moscow Mar 23, 2023 12:45 AM
MDT / Denver Mar 22, 2023 03:45 PM
EDT / New York Mar 22, 2023 05:45 PM
Ended on Mar 22, 2023 PST
Impersonal Machine Postmark of Petrograd, Censorship of International Shipments (Petrograd, Levin #313.02)
Lot 926
Impersonal machine postmark of Petrograd (Petrograd, Levin #313.02). In itself, the failure of the machine postmark did not solve the problem that was tried to solve with the help of mute postmarks (the inability to determine the speed of trains along the routes) since there were about 30 machine postmarks for the entire Empire at that time and they almost all had unique characteristics.. Excessive marking (10 kopecks, tariff-4 kopecks). Censorship of Petrograd No. 12 and sorting censorship label 51

Обезличенный прокатный штемпель Петрограда (Petrograd, Levin #313.02). Само по себе поломка прокатного штемпеля не решало задачу, которую пытались решить с помощью немых штемпелей (невозможность определить скорость поездов по маршрутам) так как прокатных штемпелей на всю Империю тогда было около 30 и они практически все имели уникальные признаки.. Избыточная маркировка (10 копеек, тариф - 4 копейки). Цензура Петрограда №12 и сортировочная цензурная метка 51
Condition: Petrograd, Levin #313.02
Type: Mute Postmark
Period: 1900-1919
Topic: Militaria
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Russia: Mute Covers, Red Cross, Odessa, Mint Postal Stationeries - Auction #28

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15% Buyers Premium
536 items listed
Huntersville, NC 28078
28th Philatelic Auction from Oldlouis Auctions. The rarest stamps and postal history items of Russia, Germany, Ukraine, and The World. A lot of unique specialized collections are presented. Shipping from our United States office.
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Oldlouis Auctions
Overall Rating: 5
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